Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Will and Daren

Wishing you both. more happines, fulfillemnt in life. goodhealth, all the love in the world, and more blessings to come..

May you reign the Kingdom so well. harhar!!

~ nice job daren, i like what you have written to Kevin.. as what i said in my comment.. somehow it reflected back to me.. i felt unhappiness when i think to much of being a single. and I always ask myself.. I want to know what love is..? but as what they say. let love finds it way to you..

so just relax and enjoy the roller coaster ride of life. it will just come in proper time. it will not be late but no so soon, just on the right time and place.



~eRiC~ said...

yea, yang, i agree, sit back and let love comes to ur way...enjoy ur life... ^^

z said...

i think u should be proactive in ur search for love. being single is fun at times, and being coupled is also fun but in its own way.

the most important thing is not to give urself pressure. know what makes u really happy and go for it!

^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

thx for the wish yang, muackssss.... ^_^ hey, you haven't text me yet LOL

love won't come to you if you don't work for that... the so called "work" means flirt in slutteland University, written by LATE king kevin LOL

Shiuji said...

Yang... we are in the same situation. Donnoe should I go and find or should I stay in my own possition now. But what I really hope is, "he" is searching for me at the same time...

I miss him...

Kevin Retuya said...

being single isnt all that bad! you can have s@% with all the guys that you pass by without hurting anyones feeling

Kevin Retuya said...

i forgot the heheehehe part.. so. heheheheh